Allspring Funds Privacy Notice

This policy is effective as of January 2025.
Each of the mutual funds that comprise Allspring Funds (the funds) is a separate legal entity owned by its respective shareholders. The funds are advised and administered by Allspring Funds Management, LLC, and distributed by Allspring Funds Distributor, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, both wholly owned subsidiaries of Allspring Global Investments Holdings, LLC. Other affiliates of Allspring provide sub-advisory and other services for the funds. The funds’ privacy notice applies to customer¹ information of all current and former fund shareholders whose account records are maintained by the funds’ transfer agent and who did not invest through a sales intermediary.
Shareholders who have purchased fund shares through sales intermediaries (for example, brokers, 401(k) accounts, and variable insurance products) will be covered by privacy policies adopted by those intermediaries. Information regarding online privacy and security is available at Neither Allspring Funds Distributor, LLC nor Allspring Funds Management, LLC holds fund shareholder accounts or assets.
A. We collect and maintain customer information as part of servicing your accounts and administering your customer relationship. In the course of serving you, we collect information about you from:
- Information you provide to us on applications or forms, including, your Social Security number, date of birth, and address.
- Information about your transactions in your fund accounts.
- Information that we receive from companies that assist us in servicing your accounts and marketing financial products to you to better serve your financial needs.
B. The customer information we collect is used to service your accounts and help you achieve your financial goals. Information may be used or shared with other Allspring Funds and within the Allspring family, as well as with authorized third parties, for several purposes, such as:
- To protect your accounts from unauthorized access or identity theft and to verify your identity.
- To process your requests, such as share purchases and sale transactions.
- To service your accounts by issuing account and confirmation statements and tax documents.
- To keep you informed about the funds’ services that can meet your needs now and in the future.
C. We may disclose all of the information we collect, as described above, with nonaffiliated third parties outside the Allspring family that are acting on our behalf or are acting jointly with us, including:
- Companies that perform support services for us, such as data processors, technical systems consultants, and programmers, or companies that help us market our own products to you.
- Others as permitted or required by law, such as government entities, in responding to subpoenas and other legal processes, and those with whom you have requested us to share information.
It is important to note that we do not share customer information with nonaffiliated companies for the purpose of marketing their own products or services unless you specifically permit us to do so.
Some state laws may impose additional restrictions on disclosure of information about customers in those states for certain purposes.
D. We share information with Allspring so that we can work together to meet your financial needs.
We may disclose all of the information we collect, as described above, within Allspring family of companies that provide financial products and services. By law, information that helps us identify you or is derived from your transactions and experiences with us may be shared within Allspring (a) for purposes other than direct marketing and (b) unless you instruct us otherwise, for direct marketing purposes. You can instruct us not to share other personal financial information about you within Allspring. In addition, if you select that option, we will not share any information about you within Allspring for direct marketing purposes. We may disclose any of this information to administrative and service units within Allspring for purposes such as servicing your accounts and preparing your account statements.
E. We are committed to protecting customer information.
We are committed to protecting the security and integrity of customer information through procedures and technology designed for this purpose. For example: We limit employee access to customer information to those who we believe need to know this information in order to service customer relationships.
- We maintain policies and procedures covering the proper physical security of workplaces and records.
- Our physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards comply with federal standards regarding the protection of customer information.
- We require independent contractors and outside companies who work with us to adhere to strict security standards.
- We use technological means (such as backup files, virus detection and eradication software, firewalls, and other computer software and hardware) to protect against unauthorized access or alterations to customer data.
The policies and practices described in this disclosure are subject to change, but we will communicate any significant changes to you as required by applicable law. The policies and practices described in this disclosure replace all previous notices or statements regarding this subject.
F. To limit our sharing
You have choices regarding how information about you may be shared. If you would like to opt out of information sharing within Allspring, your preferences will be honored and will apply to all Allspring Funds accounts linked to your Social Security number.
- You may notify us of your preferences at any time.
- If you have a joint account, any account holder can opt out on behalf of the other joint account holders.
How to notify us
To opt out of sharing of account information, as described in section D of this privacy notice, please contact us at 1-800-222-8222 if you are an individual or 1-800-260-5969 if you are an institution and instruct us to carry out one or both of the following:
- Do not share personal information (as described above in section D of this privacy notice) for marketing purposes within Allspring.
- Do not contact me for marketing purposes by (a) telephone, (b) mail, or (c) any type of solicitation.
¹ Pursuant to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Public Law No. 106-102, and the rule issued by the Federal Trade Commission regarding the Privacy of Consumer Financial Information, 16 C.F.R. Part 313, a customer is a natural person who has an ongoing relationship with a financial institution that provides certain financial products to be used for personal, family or household purposes.