
Call Overlay Strategy

The strategy aims to reduce volatility, trade off uncertain equity market gains in exchange for consistent option premiums, and manage risk relative to the underlying equity portfolio.

Products offered
  • Separate Account

Competitive advantages

Outcome-oriented solutions

The team’s flexible, options-based strategies can help clients enhance income and return or protect against downside risk.

Active management layer

The team employs a systematic approach but includes an active management layer not often found in options-based strategies.

Deep experience

The team first started managing options-based strategies in the 1970s.

Composite performance

Average annual returns

Average annual returns

Data is unavailable at this time, please check back later.
Calendar year

Calendar year

Data is unavailable at this time, please check back later.
Our team
Meet the investment team

The team leverages an active approach to options-based strategies, assessing relative-value opportunities to help enhance client returns.

Key risks

Market risk: Security markets are volatile and may decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, regulatory, political, or economic developments with different sectors of the market and different security types reacting differently to such developments.

Alternative investment risk: Alternative investment strategies, which may include, but are not limited to, investing in nontraditional investments such as commodities, or following risk premia, managed futures, merger arbitrage, global multi-asset, long-short, market-neutral, systematic, or other tactical investment strategies, may involve complex security types or transactions and extensive short positions and/or focus on narrow segments of the market, which may increase and/or magnify the overall risks and volatility associated with the strategies.

Foreign securities risk: If a strategy invests in the securities of non-U.S. issuers, these investments may be subject to lower liquidity, greater price volatility, and risks related to adverse political, regulatory, market, or economic developments and may be affected by changes in foreign currency exchange rates.

Investors should know that this strategy deployed may be subject to additional investment risks. For important information about the investment manager, please refer to Form ADV Part 2.

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