Emerging Markets Equity Fund

+kr1.09 / +0.11%
Fund assets
Year-to-date return
Fund inception date
Data as of 10/21/2024
Fund overview
Quality companies at compelling valuations
The fund aims to exploit market inefficiencies by investing in quality companies at compelling prices offering the potential for attractive returns.

The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing at least 80% of its assets in equity securities of companies tied economically to emerging market countries using a bottom-up selection process to identify quality companies at prices below their intrinsic value.

Key differentiators

  • Leverages a stable, deeply experienced team and a strategy track record spanning over 20 years
  • Pursues a bottom-up, fundamental, research-driven process with a clear framework for identifying and investing in quality companies
  • Implements a sequential approach — quality first, then valuation
  • Deepens company knowledge and drives better investment outcomes through ESG integration
  • Seeks to manage downside risk, whilst participating in the long-term growth of emerging markets

General facts







SFDR classification


Minimum investment


Share class launch date


Annual management fee


Total expense ratio (TER)


(as of 7/31/2023)

Benchmark name

MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Net) (SEK)



Quick resources

Morningstar Rating™

Out of 3026 funds, Global Emerging Markets Equity As of 9/30/2024


Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Calendar year

Calendar year

(as of 12/31/2023)
Average annual returns

Average annual returns

(as of 9/30/2024)
MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Net) (SEK)
Expenses (as of 7/31/2023)
Annual management fee
0.95 %
Total expense ratio (TER)
1.14 %

The ongoing charges/total expense ratio (TER) reflects annual total operating expenses for the class, excludes transaction costs and is expressed as a percentage of net asset value. The figure shown is from current KID. The investment manager has committed to reimburse the Sub-Fund when the ongoing charges exceed the agreed upon TER. Ongoing charges may vary over time.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. Performance calculations are net of all applicable fees and are calculated on a NAV-to-NAV basis (with income re-invested). Performance shown is for class and currency indicated and returns may increase/decrease as a result of currency fluctuations. 



(as of 9/30/2024)

This chart shows the value of a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the fund over the specified time period up to 10 years or since its inception (for funds lacking 10-year records). The result is compared with benchmarks, which may include a broad-based market index and a peer group average or index. Market indexes do not include expenses, which are deducted from fund returns as well as mutual fund averages and indexes.

Does not include sales charges and assumes reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. If sales charges were included, returns would be lower.

Performance and volatility metrics

Performance and volatility metrics

(as of 9/30/2024)
3 Year
Alpha 0.00
Beta 0.00
Sharpe Ratio 0.00
Standard Deviation 0.00
R2 0.00
Information Ratio 0.00
Upside Market Capture Ratio 0.00
Downside Market Capture Ratio 0.00
Tracking Error 0.00
Correlation 0.00
Treynor Ratio 0.00
Morningstar ratings and rankings

Morningstar ratings and rankings

(as of 9/30/2024)
Global Emerging Markets Equity (Out of 3026 funds)
Three Year
68th percentile (1877 out of 3026)

For illustrative purposes only. Ratings and awards are not an indication, promise, or guarantee of future performance. Ratings and awards should not be relied upon when making an investment decision. The Overall Morningstar Rating™ is a weighted average of the 3-, 5-, and 10-year (if applicable) ratings and is based on risk-adjusted return. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

The Morningstar absolute ranking is based on the fund’s total return rank relative to all funds that have the same category for the same time period. Morningstar rankings do not include the effect of sales charges. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Prices and distributions

Historical prices

YTD high kr995.08 10/6/2024
YTD low kr818.36 1/17/2024
52-week high kr995.08 10/6/2024
52-week low kr818.36 1/17/2024
2023 high kr906.04 8/1/2023
2023 low kr792.24 3/20/2023
Best quarterly return 7.25% 3/31/2024
Worst quarterly return -11.19% 9/30/2021
Best annual return 4.18% 12/31/2023
Worst annual return 0.00% 12/31/2021


Portfolio statistics

Portfolio statistics

(as of 9/30/2024)
Fund Benchmark
Number of Holdings 116 1277

Equity Style Box

(as of 9/30/2024) Overview chart

Placement within the Morningstar Equity Style Box is based on two variables: relative median market capitalization and relative price valuations (price/book and price/earnings) of the fund’s portfolio holdings. These numbers are drawn from the fund’s portfolio holdings figures most recently entered into Morningstar’s database and the corresponding market conditions. The Ownership Zone is represented by a shaded area surrounding the centroid. This zone encompasses 75% of a portfolio’s holdings on an asset-weighted basis and is designed to be a visual measure of how wide-ranging the portfolio is.


Top 10 holdings

(as of 9/30/2024)
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ADR
Tencent Holdings Ltd.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Reliance Industries Limited
Alibaba Group Holding Limited Sponsored ADR
HDFC Bank Limited ADR
Meituan Class B
Bharti Airtel Limited
WH Group Ltd. (HK)
PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk ADR Class B
Top 10 represents 38.58% of total net assets

Based on ending weights as of month-end. Source: FactSet. The information shown is not intended to be, nor should it be construed to be, a recommendation to buy or sell an individual security.

Sector allocation

Sector allocation

(as of 9/30/2024)
Information technology
20.24% 22.23%
Communication services
19.41% 9.43%
15.97% 22.84%
Consumer discretionary
14.17% 13.98%
Consumer staples
13.14% 5.23%
6.05% 4.76%
4.03% 6.77%
3.02% 6.64%
Health care
2.26% 3.60%
Real estate
1.70% 1.59%
0.00% 2.93%
0.00% -

Based on ending weights as of month-end. Source: FactSet. Percent total may not add to 100% due to rounding.

Geographic allocation

Geographic allocation

(as of 9/30/2024)
China & Hong Kong
26.22% 27.80%
14.92% 19.52%
South Korea
12.58% 10.44%
12.40% 17.57%
5.68% 4.83%
4.76% 1.65%
4.67% 1.88%
South Africa
3.09% 3.12%
2.93% 1.50%
2.46% 0.41%

Based on ending weights as of month-end. Source: FactSet. Percent total may not add to 100% due to rounding.

Currency allocation

Currency allocation

(as of 9/30/2024)
Share Class
Brazilian Rial
4.64% 4.19%
Chilean Peso
1.30% 0.41%
Euro (EUR)
1.32% 0.46%
Hong Kong Dollar
20.12% 21.60%
Indian Rupee
13.09% 19.52%
Indonesian Rupiah
2.70% 1.65%
Mexican Nuevo Peso
1.99% 1.88%
New Zloty
0.41% 0.86%
Philippine Peso
1.26% 0.57%
Saudi Arabian Riyal
0.17% 3.79%
Singapore Dollar
1.12% -
South African rand
3.09% 3.12%
South Korean Won
10.71% 10.44%
Taiwan Dollar
3.39% 17.57%
Thailand Baht
1.81% 1.50%
United States Dollar
32.87% 2.99%

Currency allocation is subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. Percent total may not add to 100% due to rounding.

ESG data summary

MSCI Overall ESG Score 1
Sustainalytics ESG Risk Score 2
SFDR Rating

Product involvement 3

Portfolio Benchmark
Controversial Weapons exposure 0.00% 0.36%
Oil Sands exposure 0.00% 0.00%
Small Arms exposure 0.00% 0.00%
Thermal Coal exposure 1.17% 2.37%
Tobacco exposure 0.00% 0.99%
UN Global Compact non-compliant exposure 7.29% 7.80%

¹ Data is sourced from MSCI ESG Research where companies are rated on a scale of 0 – 10 (0 - worst, 10 - best). Weighted average scores exclude effects of unrated securities.

² ESG Risk Ratings measure exposure to and management of ESG risks. Lower risk scores reflect less ESG risk. Sustainalytics ESG Risk Scores measure ESG risks on a scale of 0 – 100 (0 - no ESG Risk, >40 - Severe ESG Risk).

³ Carbon emissions includes operational and first-tier supply chain greenhouse gas emissions. Data sourced from S&P Trucost Limited.

⁴ Source: Allspring Global Investments. This report contains information developed by Sustainalytics. Such information and data are proprietary of Sustainalytics and/or its third-party suppliers (Third Party Data) and are provided for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement of any product or project, nor an investment advice and are not warranted to be complete, timely, accurate or suitable for a particular purpose. Their use is subject to conditions available at https://www.sustainalytics.com/legal-disclaimers. Copyright © 2023 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved.


Literature Date Language
Commentary 9/30/2024 English Download
Fact Sheet 9/30/2024 English Download
Fact Sheet 9/30/2024 French Download
Fact Sheet 9/30/2024 German Download
Fact Sheet 9/30/2024 Italian Download
Fact Sheet 9/30/2024 Spanish Download
Fund Profile 2/28/2023 English Download
Monthly Commentary 8/31/2024 English Download
Regulatory Document Date Language
Lux Fund Sustainability-Related Disclosures 4/16/2024 English Download
PRIIPs KIDs 1/29/2024 English Download
PRIIPs KIDs 1/29/2024 Swedish Download
PRIIPs KIDs 1/29/2024 French Download
Our team
Meet the investment team

To provide clients high-quality risk-adjusted returns, the team uses a strict sequential process to identify quality companies with the potential to create intrinsic value.

Key risks

Convertible securities risk: These instruments can be converted into common stock because of the occurrence of certain predetermined trigger events including when the issuer is in crisis resulting in possible price fluctuations and may be subject to redemption at the election of the issuer.

Currency risk: Currency exchange rates may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time and can be affected unpredictably by intervention (or the failure to intervene) by relevant governments or central banks, or by currency controls or political developments.

Smaller-company securities risk: Securities of companies with smaller market capitalisations tend to be more volatile and less liquid than securities of larger companies.

Emerging market risk: Emerging markets may be more sensitive than more mature markets to a variety of economic factors and may be less liquid than markets in the developed world.

ESG risk: Applying an ESG screen for security selection may result in lost opportunity in a security or industry resulting in possible underperformance relative to peers. ESG screens are dependent on third-party data and errors in the data may result in the incorrect inclusion or exclusion of a security.

Equity securities risk: These securities fluctuate in value and price in response to factors impacting the issuer of the security as well as general market, economic and political conditions.

Global investment risk: Securities of certain jurisdictions may experience more rapid and extreme changes in value and may be affected by uncertainties such as international political developments, currency fluctuations and other developments in the laws and regulations of countries in which an investment may be made.

Leverage risk: The use of certain types of financial derivative instruments may create leverage which may increase share price volatility.

Risks of investing in China: Investments in the securities of Chinese companies involve risks due to government actions including restrictions imposed on foreign investors resulting in greater market volatility and liquidity risk.

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Investors should note that, relative to the expectations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, this fund presents disproportionate communication on the consideration of non-financial criteria in its investment policy.

The ongoing charges/total expense ratio (TER) reflects annual total operating expenses for the class, excludes transaction costs and is expressed as a percentage of net asset value. The figure shown is from current KID. The investment manager has committed to reimburse the Sub-Fund when the ongoing charges exceed the agreed upon TER. Ongoing charges may vary over time.

Any benchmark referenced is for comparative purposes only, unless specifically referenced otherwise in this material and/or in the prospectus, under the Sub-Funds’ Investment Objective and Policy.

†Promotes environmental and social characteristics but does not have a sustainable investment objective

†While the Sub-Funds listed above have access to both internal and external ESG research and integrate financially material sustainability risks into their investment decision-making processes, ESG-related factors are considered but not determinative, permitting the relevant Sub-Investment Managers to invest in issuers that do not embrace ESG; as such, sustainability risks may have a more material impact on the value of the Sub-Fund’s investments in the medium to long term. The investments underlying these Sub-Funds do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

The Morningstar Rating™ for funds, or star rating, is calculated for managed products (including mutual funds, variable annuity and variable life subaccounts, exchange-traded funds, closed-end funds, and separate accounts) with at least a three-year history. Exchange-traded funds and open-ended mutual funds are considered a single population for comparative purposes. It is calculated based on a Morningstar risk-adjusted return measure that accounts for variation in a managed product's monthly excess performance, placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. The Morningstar Rating does not include any adjustment for sales loads. The top 10% of products in each product category receive 5 stars, the next 22.5% receive 4 stars, the next 35% receive 3 stars, the next 22.5% receive 2 stars, and the bottom 10% receive 1 star. The Overall Morningstar Rating for a managed product is derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its 3-, 5-, and 10-year (if applicable) Morningstar Rating metrics. The weights are: 100% 3-year rating for 36–59 months of total returns, 60% 5-year rating/40% 3-year rating for 60–119 months of total returns, and 50% 10-year rating/30% 5-year rating/20% 3-year rating for 120 or more months of total returns. While the 10-year overall star rating formula seems to give the most weight to the 10-year period, the most recent 3-year period actually has the greatest impact because it is included in all three rating periods. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

© 2024 Morningstar. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; may not be copied or distributed; and is not warranted to be accurate, complete, or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.