Dividends and Tax Information
Corporate Dividend Exclusion

2024 mutual fund corporate dividend exclusions
A corporation is entitled to a special deduction from gross income for dividends received from a domestic corporation. This deduction is generally 70% of dividends received from corporations owned less than 20% by the recipient corporation.
Allspring funds | % of taxable distribution eligible for the dividend received deduction |
C&B Mid Cap Value Fund |
16.00% |
Common Stock Fund |
40.78% |
Disciplined Small Cap Fund |
31.52% |
Disciplined U.S. Core Fund |
77.57% |
Diversified Capital Builder Fund |
100.00% |
Diversified Income Builder Fund |
3.84% |
Dynamic Target 2015 Fund |
8.88% |
Dynamic Target 2020 Fund |
10.46% |
Dynamic Target 2025 Fund |
10.02% |
Dynamic Target 2030 Fund |
12.17% |
Dynamic Target 2035 Fund |
11.25% |
Dynamic Target 2040 Fund |
11.11% |
Dynamic Target 2045 Fund |
11.22% |
Dynamic Target 2050 Fund |
10.67% |
Dynamic Target 2055 Fund |
9.48% |
Dynamic Target 2060 Fund |
20.61% |
Dynamic Target 2065 Fund |
12.77% |
Dynamic Target Today Fund |
7.71% |
Emerging Markets Equity Fund |
1.35% |
Emerging Markets Equity Advantage Fund |
1.33% |
Global Long/Short Equity Fund |
42.26% |
Growth Balanced Fund |
21.42% |
Index Asset Allocation Fund |
53.29% |
Index Fund |
74.81% |
International Equity Fund |
1.29% |
Large Cap Core Fund |
64.29% |
Large Cap Growth Fund |
100.00% |
Large Cap Value Fund |
30.73% |
Large Company Value Fund |
19.32% |
Managed Account CoreBuilder Shares - Series EPI |
56.53% |
Moderate Balanced Fund |
15.05% |
Opportunity Fund |
89.79% |
Precious Metals Fund |
19.74% |
Premier Large Company Growth Fund |
17.51% |
Real Return Fund |
8.27% |
Small Cap Fund |
41.89% |
Small Company Growth Fund |
100.00% |
Small Company Value Fund |
100.00% |
SMID Cap Growth Fund |
22.67% |
Special Global Small Cap Fund |
100.00% |
Special Large Cap Value Fund |
87.97% |
Special Mid Cap Value Fund |
68.88% |
Special Small Cap Value Fund |
70.45% |
Spectrum Aggressive Growth Fund |
59.42% |
Spectrum Conservative Growth Fund |
6.00% |
Spectrum Growth Fund |
14.23% |
Spectrum Income Allocation Fund |
2.52% |
Spectrum Moderate Growth Fund |
11.42% |
U.S. Long/Short Equity Fund |
13.97% |
Utility and Telecommunications Fund |
100.00% |
Any tax or legal information on this website is merely a summary of our understanding and interpretations of some of the current income tax regulations and is not exhaustive. Investors should consult their tax advisor or legal counsel for advice and information concerning their particular situation. Allspring Global Investments does not provide accounting, legal, or tax advice or investment recommendations.
Investing involves risks, including the possible loss of principal. Stock values fluctuate in response to the activities of individual companies and general market and economic conditions. Bond values fluctuate in response to the financial condition of individual issuers, general market and economic conditions, and changes in interest rates. Changes in market conditions and government policies may lead to periods of heightened volatility in the bond market and reduced liquidity for certain bonds held by the fund. In general, when interest rates rise, bond values fall and investors may lose principal value. Interest rate changes and their impact on the fund and its share price can be sudden and unpredictable. Funds that concentrate their investments in a single industry may face increased risk of price fluctuation over more diversified funds due to adverse developments within that industry. Foreign investments are especially volatile and can rise or fall dramatically due to differences in the political and economic conditions of the host country. These risks are generally intensified in emerging markets. Smaller company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than those of larger companies. High yield securities and junk bonds have a greater risk of default and tend to be more volatile than higher-rated securities with similar maturities. Municipal securities risk includes the ability of the issuer to repay the obligation, the possibility of future tax and legislative changes and other factors, that may adversely impact the liquidity and value of the municipal securities in which the fund invests. A portion of the fund’s income may be subject to federal, state, and/or local income taxes or the alternative minimum tax. Any capital gains distributions may be taxable. Consult a fund's prospectus for additional information on these and other risks.
For target date funds, the target date represents the year in which investors likely may begin withdrawing assets. The funds gradually seek to reduce market risk as the target date approaches and after it arrives by decreasing equity exposure and increasing fixed-income exposure. The principal value is not guaranteed at any time, including at the target date.
CoreBuilder Shares are a series of investment options within the separately managed accounts advised or subadvised by Allspring Funds Management, LLC. The shares are fee-waived mutual funds that enable certain separately managed account investors to achieve greater diversification than smaller managed accounts might otherwise achieve.